ISO 22716 Cosmetics - GMP
Cosmetics – Good Manufacturing Practices are a set of hands-on advice, operational rules and organizational guidelines especially focused on human, technical and administrative factors affecting product quality.
The objective of the GMP is to define the activities which lead to the final product corresponding to the expected specifications, and therefore product safety.
ISO 22716 is the standard describing the Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices. It has been written in collaboration with cosmetics industry professionals and promotes best-in-class methods.
The scope of ISO 22716 is not only limited to production activities but also includes control, storage and expedition.
European Federation for Cosmetic Ingredients (EFfCI) - GMP
This is a European trade association that brings together manufacturers of synthetic and natural ingredients for the cosmetics and personal care industry.
EFfCI including the certification scheme on GMP for Cosmetic ingredients and Cosmetic ingredients covers all applicable regulations which is regulated by the authorities globally.
Key Benefits:
Validate the conformity of your Management System with the new legal requirements
Prepare and facilitate legal inspections by Health Authorities
Demonstrate to your stakeholders (retailers, product traders,importers…) that your processes and facilities are in conformity with GMP
Inspire consumers’ confidence
Ensure access to your markets (in Europe and Worldwide)
Enhance operating efficiency and competitive market appeal